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Date : Mon, 24 Apr 2000 08:57:36 -0700 (PDT) Author : "Steven J. Owens" Subject : Re: Writing for Programmers, Summary Body : Shelley Hoose writes: > Thanks to you various techwhr-lrs for your responses to my request for a > discussion of writing for programmers. Sorry I missed this conversation; several years back I went from writing for programmers to being a programmer (or at least being paid to program, which is *not* quite the same thing... I know more writers who couldn't hack the stress of technical writing and became programmers, than vice versa...). > Articles by Susan Gallagher (a fellow Techwhlr -- thanks Susan): > Took a quick look, very impressive articles, look dead on, also fairly readable and appropriate for tackling a complex topic at a quick-overview level. In general, I advise you to learn as much about the programming process as you can. Obviously learning to program will help, but also read up on the non-programming aspects of the job (you may find these easier to tackle - project management comes naturally to tech writers, who must usually manage their own projects :-). Professional organizations like the ACM and the IEEE, not to mention the various industry-oriented organizations, publish a wide variety of useful documents. I seem to recall the ACM in particular had a voluminous set of tomes on all sorts of standard programing topics. If you can get your company to spring for them, do so. The programmers might be able to help you out here - they may find them handy as well, and they'll probably respect you more for your efforts. Check out The Jargon File (available in various incarnations online, or as _The New Hacker's Dictionary_ from MIT Press) for light reading that will help you appreciate the programmer's sense of humor - particularly make sure you read the appendices, which have general discussions of programmer natures. You should also find and bookmark FOLDOC (the Free Online Dictionary Of Computing), which will help you with an assortment of definitions of real computing terms. > 3. Just what is a functional spec and what should it include? > "Read "the Mythical Man-Month" chapter on architecture vs. implementation. > (I haven't had a chance to do this, but will -- thanks!) I also recommend Steve McConnel's work, _Code Complete_, which is generally thought very highly of in the field. Nothing on functional specs per se, but it should help. > "Also, search the TechWr-L archives. There was a discussion about > documenting programming languages back in December of 1999. I saved > a lot of those posts, because they had good advice. I know there > have been other good discussions in the past. (Look for posts from > Michael Wing--I remember he had some excellent advice on this > topic.) Some of those posts in the past were by me, I snagged them and stuck them, unedited, on my personal web site. writings/functionalspec.txt writings/code_comment_standards.txt Some bits of specific advice: 1) Learn about BNF (the format that used for command syntax descriptions by UNIX man pages and similar docs). 2) Examples, examples, examples. You can never have two many examples. Make sure they work - run them yourself - you'd be surprised how many programming books have code listings that *do not work*! Make each programmer involved with the project give you three examples; document them well. Every working programmer I've ever talked to (including myself, in the wee hours of the night) asked for more examples and more detailed examples. Most programmers learn by looking at programs. Most programming is done by looking at an example of a solution to a similar problem, and adapting from there. 3) Don't assume that your programmers are a valid representation of your target audience. Programmers vary widely, and in fact it's not uncommon for the programmers building a product to be of an entirely different stripe than the programmers using a product. And the programmers building the product don't always know it. What they may take for granted may be black magic to the customer programmer. Insist on having two or three valid programmer representatives on tap for discussions and review. Typically companies run new products through "alpha" and "beta" testing, using preferred customers who are contractually obligated to keep the details of the new product confidential until it's released. This would be your best place to get a couple representative programmers. Suggest perhaps having a review team and a mini-mailing list to discuss the documentation, report errors or bugs, ask questions, etc. Steven J. Owens