To start with the usual disclaimer, the obvious BIG CAVEAT: I have no official authority and I am in no way speaking for anyone official. I am in the process of updating this for 2024. I originally wrote it for a friend who was a new land agent in 2023, and hope it may prove useful to others. When in doubt, check the official land rules on, check the Land Agent's handbook, and check with the Land Office. Every single one of those sources supercedes the accuracy and reliability of my information.
Also, things change. This is being updated as of January 3, 2024. Things may change between time of writing and Landgrab, or you may be reading this in a later year.
Congratulations, you've decided to attend the Pennsic Wars. It's a fun event, lots to do. But you need to figure out camping.
This page is an attempt to take more of a narrative, "day in the life" (or really "months in the life") approach to describe how to be a Land Agent.
I've written some other notes on the Pennsic Landgrab process and Land Agent process, but it's complicated and it sometimes feels like it's hard to cover all the details without drowning the reader in minutae.
The process takes roughly two third of a year, from when Pennsic pre-registration opens on January 1, to when you drive off site at the end of Pennsic, somewhere around mid-August.
I have a not-quite-so-high level outline of steps further below, but just to give you a general idea of our plan of attack, here's what's going to happen:
I really just want to get down to the nuts and bolts information, and I know I shouldn't have to say this, but... I have to say this.
This rule applies throughout the entire process, and really Pennsic in general (and the SCA in general). It applies to understanding and applying the rules, it applies to interacting with Pennsic staff (who are all volunteers!), and it applies to the actual landgrab negotiation process (see below).
For example, and this is the thing that inspired me to add this section: the past few years there have been some tweaking of the rules as far as troll at landgrab day, land agents, and car passes. The general aim of these rule tweaks is to make the actual landgrab process run faster and smoother (and by all reports, it's working). The general theme of these rule tweaks is "land grab is for land agents, not for regular Pennsic-goers".
But the various tweaks have also occasioned various questions, for example many land agents travel with their spouse or domestic partner, or kids, or an assistant who helps with the initial camp setup, etc.
The general answer to all of these questions is to follow the spirit of the rules. The Pennsic staff are not idiots, in both the positive sense -- they will use common sense and their discretionary authority -- and the negative sense -- they will not take kindly to people trying to bullshit them.
I don't really talk about landgrab negotiation on this page. This is when the land agents for a block get together and sort out which camp goes where on that block. These days the negotiation mostly happens ahead of time, via internet (officially you are required to have an email address to use for landgrab, and to respond to emails). The rules change over time, the land changes over time, and the conditions vary very widely from area to area of Pennsic, so there's no one size fits all rule -- except the "act like an adult" rule.
Landgrab is a collaboration, not a competition. We're all adults and we're all expected to act like adults. I'm sure the Land Office greatly appreciates us doing so. In the distant past, the rules explicitly stated that if your block can't resolve a problem without involving the Land Office, the Land Office would do its level best to make everybody unhappy :-).
First and foremost, if this is your first Pennsic, it's much better to make plans to camp with an existing Pennsic camping group. Pennsic is a complicated event and setting up a camping group is a complicated process and it's better to learn about Pennsic on "easy mode" first.
If you've never been to Pennsic before and don't know where to start looking for an existing group to camp with, a) consider your kingdom camp, b) talk to your local SCA group, c) post on the various SCA and Pennsic War facebook groups (there are some links to Facebook groups below, in the "Useful Links" section).
Each kingdom of the SCA has a camp at Pennsic and they generally accept any member of their kingdom who asks to camp with them. I've never done this, so I don't know the details, but I'm pretty sure you have to ask them ahead of time, you can't just show up at Pennsic without warning. Look into it.
Second, if you definitely want to have your own camping group, it's still a good idea to attend a couple Pennsics with some other camping group first. Talk to their Land Agent about the process and get advice.
Third, it's a very, very, very good idea do some ground work before your first time running your own camping group. Talk to people about different camping blocks and talk to camps in those blocks. This will make you much more prepared to set up your own camping group.
As part of that, it's a very, very good idea to look at the actual block the Pennsic before hand. Every land block is different and has its own challenges. Large chunks of the geography of Pennsic are... complicated, and it's very hard to tell from the map what you'll be dealing with in real life. It's especially a good idea to walk around during Pennsic, look at where people are camping, and where they aren't, and ask why a particular spot is empty -- there's very often a reason that spot sucks. If you can look over the area when it's raining, that's especially useful.
Note: These next three sections ("Two Big Changes etc", "Useful Links", and "Important Dates") summarize some important and useful info, but if you're a new land agent they probably won't make sense to you until you read the rest of this guide, which starts with "Two Thirds of A Year In The Life of a Pennsic Land Agent". The following two big changes from Pennsic 2023 are still in effect for 2024:
Let's start with the official Pennsic War land web site links, and Cooper's Lake:
In addition, there are three facebook groups that might be useful.
At and during Pennsic itself, anything official with the Cooper's is handled at The War Room, which is the small barn in EO3 (near Troll), at the corner of Brewer's Road and Low Road:
Pennsic preregistration fees can be a bit labyrinthine, so in 2022 I wrote up and just now have updated an an explanation of Pennsic registration fees. You're welcome to share that with your campers.
Here's an experimental clickable version of the main Pennsic map, if you click on your block on the main map image, it should take you to the official Pennsic block map at the Land site:
This version is to make it easier to find where your block is on the main Pennsic map. It includes a list of blocks to the right of the map image. If you click on the link for your your block, it should highlight your block in yellow on the main map image.
This might be useful in explaining Pennsic fees to your campers:
Below is a table of important dates for Pennsic 2024, HOWEVER:
IMPORTANT Troll will NOT BE OPEN THURSDAY MIDNIGHT on 8/1/2024 for the start of the second week of pennsic. Historically they kept Troll open for 24 hours starting at midnight of the first Thursday, to allow people showing up for the second week to arrive late Thursday/early Friday and troll in. They're not doing that this year, according to the Cooper's Lake website. Troll will open at the usual time on Friday morning, 8/2/2024.
See Land website announcements, calendar for full and up to date details, but below is a summary based on that page:
Preregistration | 01/01/2024 | Land website group registration opens opens. |
01/07/2024 | Pre-registration of individual campers (via Cooper's Lake webstie) opens. | |
05/31/2024 | Physical Mail pre-registration of individual campers closes. | |
06/14/2024 | Online Pre-registration of individual campers closes. | |
06/14/2024 | Cooper's Lake Pre-registration fee refund deadline. | |
06/14/2024 to 06/17/2024 | Land agents should make sure any preregistration errors are solved, i.e.:
a) make any corrections to group details via the Land website, and/or b) get campers to use the Cooper's Lake registration page to correct which group they're camping with. | |
06/17/2024 | Land website disables land agents ability to update groups,
Cooper's Lake website disables campers ability to change their camping group. | |
Land Negotiation | 06/22/2024 to 07/05/2024 | Land Office sends out land allocation emails somewhere in this time period. 7 days after emails go out, land assignments become final. See land allocation notices announcement |
07/05/2024 | PMAP submissions open (if PMAP is allowed for your block). | |
07/19/2024 | PMAP submissions close. | |
07/24/2024 | Land site Proxy form is closed; emergency proxies only after this date. | |
Landgrab | 07/26/2024 | First Friday, 9am, "land grab" starts, troll opens for land agents/proxies only. |
07/26/2024 | First Friday, noon, troll opens for non-land agents who have preregistered with a group. | |
07/26/2024 | First Friday, 9pm-ish?, Land Office will stay open until probably around 9pm for land agents to check in and pick up their packets, but exactly how late Land Office stays open is up to Land Staff. Remember, their job didn't start on Friday... | |
Pennsic | 07/27/2024 | First Saturday, troll open as usual. |
07/27/2024 | First Saturday, 8am-10am, Land Office is open for late arriving land agents to check in. | |
07/27/2024 | First Saturday, 10am-noon, Land Office is open for groups with unsettled negotiations who need dispute resolution. | |
07/28/2024 | First Sunday, 10am, Single campers may enter and set up camp. | |
07/28/2024 | First Sunday, 10am-noon, Land Office open for assistance and questions. | |
08/04/2024 | Second Friday, "second week" begins.* | |
08/07/2024 | Second Wednesday, 10pm, Troll closes for 2024. | |
08/11/2024 | Sunday, noon, all campers must be packed up and off site. |
Okay, so you've bit the bullet, pulled the ripcord, done whatever other metaphors, and now you're going to either start your own camping group or take over as Land Agent for an existing camping group. Here's what that's going to look like.
A Land Agent is the person in charge of:
This process takes roughly 8 months, from when the Pennsic Land Site opens for business for this year's Pennsic on January 1st to the end of Pennsic (traditionally Pennsic ends the 2nd weekend in August) -- the land agent's job is not over until Pennsic over and the camp site is empty and clean. Hence the "two thirds of a year" in the title, above.
For Pennsic, the Cooper's Lake Campground is divided up into about 80 large regions called "blocks". Each block is assigned a number of camping groups. The Land Agents for those camping groups have to plan out and agree on where the camps are situated in their block, and where the boundaries are. This process is generally referred to as "land grab" or often contracted to "landgrab" (which is how I'll be spelling it in this document).
The negotiating happens hopefully ahead of time, but the Land Agents of a block all have to show up at the beginning of Pennsic and sign off on a map, which they then have to submit to the Land Office, who sign off on the map. Until the camps of a block submit a map and have it signed off by the land office, nobody in that block is allowed to set up camp, or even drive their vehicles onto the campground.
Besides the Land Agent, the Land website lets you designate two optional roles, Proxy and On-Site Rep. I describe these in more details below, but the short version is:
I'll describe various aspects in detail below, but at a high level, the entire process is:
Step one is to go to the land website ( and create an account for yourself.
You will need to do this to be a Land Agent, or to be a Proxy or an On-Site Rep. IMPORTANT: Every year, regardless of which of these roles you're going to play, you will need to "update your contact information" and "attest that you have read the rules", before you'll be able to do anything else in the system. I'll talk more about that below.
When you first create your account or login, if you scroll down you'll see this (click on the screenshot image to view a larger version). There are several important links on this page, I'll talk about them down below.
I'll describe each of these steps in detail further below, but the overview is:
First, the two announcement links. The announcement pages are actually pretty important, they're not for fluff, they're for practical information. You can also access them via the menu under "DOCUMENTS/Land Announcements".
Second, "You must enter your email address and phone number."
You MUST do this every year (even if they didn't change since last year) or the site won't let you do anything. You will not be able to register a group, or serve as a Proxy or On-Site Rep, until you have fixed this.
Specifically, until you've updated your contact info and attest that you've read the rules, your name won't show up in the web form for Proxy or On-Site Rep. Also note, names on that web form are alphabetical by SCA name, so make sure that whoever needs you to be a Proxy or On-Site Rep for them has your SCA name as you put it into the website.
Third, "Please click here to choose a group", that's ultimately what this is all about. Again, I'll explain that in more detail down below.
Even if you've been a Land Agent before, you'll have to do this. The Land website requires you to re-enter your contact information every year, because too often, in the past, Land Agents never updated their contact information. It got out of date, and then they needed to contact the Land Agent to sort out a problem and there was no way to get in touch with them.
First click on "enter your email address and phone number". This will take you off to the Land editperson page where you can enter your email address and phone number.
Once you've updated your contact information, you'll now need to go read the Land Rules. It's also a very good idea to read the Land Agent handbook. You'll find both of them under the DOCUMENTS menu item. Then you can come back to the main page and click on "Attest", to confirm that you've read the rules.
I'm afraid I don't have a screenshot of the attest page, because I've already attested for my account.
Now, finally, you can click on the bit on the Land website that says "Please click here to choose a group"
You can also find this under the menu item "LAND AGENT MENU/REGISTER A GROUP". Either one will take you to the Group Name Selection Page.
On the Group Name Selection page you have two options, either click on "Existing Groups: Click Here" to go to the page to choose an existing group if you're taking over as Land Agent for an existing group (or returning as Land Agent) or scroll down to "*NEW* Group Name" and enter a name to create a new group.
Even if you plan to create a new group, it's probably a good idea to go to the existing groups page and check to see if your desired name is already in use.
The "Existing Groups: Click Here" link takes you to a page listing all of the camping group names that were used in previous Pennsics but are not currently in use. This is useful because it helps eliminate spelling errors or otherwise inadvertant different spellings for group names. When it comes time for the Land Office to choose which block your group camps in, they will give preference for seniority, so it's important to use the same camping group name from year to year.
Once you either select an existing group name or create a new group, then you need to tell the Land Office which region of Pennsic you'd prefer to camp in.
You get to, and must select four block preferences on the Edit Group page. Until you select all four block preferences, your group registration is not complete.
Ideally you get your first block choice. If that's not possible (because too many people want to be in that block), you get your second block choice, and so forth.
You do this at the Edit Group page:
Land at Pennsic is divided up into about 80 "blocks", which you can see at the Pennsic Land web site under "PENNSIC INFO/Block Maps", which takes you to
Here's a
Clickable Pennsic Block Map which will take you to the block map for whatever block you click on.
You'll notice that the blocks are all numbered, and also have a one-letter prefix of either:
The M, B, N, E, and W letter prefixes are to give you a quick, rough idea of where the block is located.
X blocks are special blocks that are outside the landgrab process and can be pretty much anywhere the Land Office decides to put them.
Note, besides the main map image at the map web page, there are links (at the top of the Pennsic Land site, just below the main site menus) to get PDF versions of maps of each of the blocks. You'll need a PDF map of your block later on in the landgrab process, when you and your fellow block Land Agents make the agreed upon map.
The Land Office assigns some number of groups to each block, based on how big the block is, how big the groups are, what blocks the groups have expressed a preference for, and so forth.
The Land Office will assign your camp 250 square feet for each of your preregistered, pre-paid campers. That total amount will be in the Land email that the Land Office will send out a week or two after the preregistration dead line.
Note, that doesn't mean each camper gets to set up a 25 foot by 10 foot tent. You need some footage for a fire safety buffer (last I looked that was 4') between your tent and other tents; for an area in front of your tent; for access to the road; for maybe a campfire, etc. Most people in camping groups pool some of that square footage for common uses like a shared campfire area, a shared kitchen, and so forth. See the Land Agent Handbook at the Land website under "DOCUMENTS/Agents' Handbook" for details.
See also, below, the section titled "Land Allocation Email".
The Edit Group page is also where you can set your On-Site Rep and Proxy, if necessary. These are optional roles, for when the main Land Agent can't perform those duties.
The definition and details of these roles have evolved (or been clarified) in recent years, so see the Land website and Land Agent's handbook for details, but a quick summary is below.
Also, I've added a third subsection here, about changing land agents for a group.
The Proxy role is meant as an emergency measure when unforeseen events prevent the Land Agent from being there on Landgrab Day to sign off on the block map.
A Land Agent can login to the land website and set a Proxy for their camping group to handle Landgrab Day duties, i.e. final negotiations with other camping groups and signing off on the block map.
A Proxy can be anybody, even a member of a different camping group or a Land Agent for a different camping group. But note that the Proxy has full authority to negotiate for the camping group they are Proxying for, so you'd better trust your Proxy.
While the same person can act as Proxy for more than one camping group, each camping group can have only one Proxy
After Landgrab Day, the Proxy's job is over and they have no further role or authority.
The On-Site Rep role takes over the "be the single point of contact between your camping group and the Pennsic staff" duties.
A Land Agent can login to the land website and select an On-Site Rep for their camping group.
Generally the On-Site Rep SHOULD (but not MUST) be a person who is registered to camp with your group, and MUST be present at Pennsic (that's sort of the whole job).
When the Pennsic staff needs to get in touch with your camp about something, they'll talk to the Land Agent or the On-Site Rep, whichever they find first.
This literally just came up in a post on the Pennsic War Land Agents Facebook group. A land agent just learned that he can't be at Pennsic except for the weekends this year, and asked how to hand the Land Agent role over to another member over to another member of his camp.
Andy Kaihofer, maintainer of the Pennsic Land website, responded:
It's easy peasy. You push the unregister button right on your home page so that you stop being the land agent, and the new person registers the camp.
[...] You just unregister yourself as the land agent and the new land agent picks it up. If you want to stay as the land agent yes, you can name that person as your on-site representative, but if you're not going to be there you shouldn't be the land agent.
To clarify a few details:
First, this occurred in early May, well before registration closed. If it happened later, things get stickier and you're best off contacting the Land Office (email and getting their help in sorting it out. The earlier, the better.
Second, obviously anyone who's taking over the Land Agent role for your camp has to do the same Land website account registration dance as everyone else does, which I'm describing in the very next section after this, titled "The land Website Registration Dance for Proxies and On-Site Reps".
IMPORTANT: Pay close attention to this section and the next one, because every year some people have headaches in trying to get their Proxy/On-Site Rep set up, because they didn't pay attention to the process I'm about to describe. This boils down to :
If you mess this up, you'll get stuck trying to figure out why you can't find the person you want on the dropdown list. It creates extra work and headaches for the Land staff. They'll still help you solve your problem, but they'll probably make funny faces at you when your back is turned. (Just kidding; they won't wait for you to turn your back.)
An important additional tip -- the Proxy and On-Site Rep dropdown menus list people alphabetically by whatever they entered as their SCA name, so if your Proxy is "John Smith aka Ulric Lord of the Gyrfalcons", don't look for "John Smith" in the dropdown, look for "Ulric" in the dropdown. And if John Smith entered his name in the Land website as "Lord Ulric of the Gyrfalcons", look for "Lord Ulric" in the dropdown.
In the past, choosing a Proxy and/or On-Site Rep was an informal process, you just chose somebody and made sure you notified the Land Office.
In recent years, there is now a web form on the Land website to choose the Proxy and On-Site Rep. That web form provides a pair of dropdown menus for names for Proxy and On-Site Rep. That also means that anyone who wants to be a Proxy or On-Site Rep needs a Pennsic Land website account, and must jump through the contact info and attestation hoops, every year.
Also, in recent years the Land staff have, ahem, "clarified" the meaning of assigning a land Proxy. It's no longer a "just in case" thing, it's an "either/or" thing. If you assign a proxy via the Land website, they are the only person authorized to enter site during the landagents-only stage of landgrab.
For proxies, especially, I strongly recommend you notify the other land agents in your block.
Important: To get their name to show up in those dropdowns, the Proxy/On-Site Rep candidate must create a Land website account. When they do so, they must not (unless they're also a Land Agent for a different group) click the "click here to register a group", but must do the same two "confirm contact info" and "attest to having read the rules" steps that regular Land Agents must do every year. Until the Proxy/On-Site Rep candidate does this, their account name will NOT show up in the web form and the Land Agent will be unable to select them as Proxy or On-Site Rep.
Note that the Proxy form on the Land website turns off a couple days before Landgrab Day (see the Land Announcements page on the Land website for specifics). But there is an emergency process for a last minute Proxy, for example if you get into a car accident on the way to Cooper's Lake (my first turn as Proxy was because of exactly that; the Land Agent for a neighboring camp broke her leg in a car accident on the way to Cooper's Lake).
See the Land Agent handbook for details for emergency Proxy, but long story short, email, and also email all the other Land Agents in your block so they won't be surprised. Make sure you include your Proxy's email address and phone number in both emails, so the Land Office and your fellow Land Agents can contact your Proxy.
Important: Anywhere I write "preregister", be clear that I mean both sign up via the Cooper's lake website AND pre-pay. I just noticed that, yes, you can preregister without pre-paying, but everybody I know assumes "preregister" includes "and pre-pay". Your camping group does NOT get allocated square footage for your tent unless you pre-pay.
Now that you have a group created, you have to get your fellow group members to preregister for Pennsic before the preregistration deadline.
You can have a camping group with only one member (you), it's still worth doing even if you're the only one, because you get to set up camp on Landgrab Day and you don't have to wait until Sunday when they let the single campers in. But of course it's more fun and easier if you have multiple group members to share the practical and financial costs, etc.
Your camp members preregister by going to the Cooper's Lake Campground website Pennsic Registration Office page. When your camp members preregister,
Pennsic preregistration fees can be a bit labyrinthine, so in 2022 I wrote up and just now have updated an an explanation of Pennsic registration fees.
One important detail, a camp member can preregister and pre-pay for the "second week" (which is really eight days) only, but your camp still gets the full 250 square feet of land allocation. If the camp member decides to arrive at Pennsic early, i.e. before the middle Friday of Pennsic (which is when the second week officially begins), they just pay the extra money at the gate (see the Pennsic registration fees link for more details on the amounts).
You will need to manage (harangue) your group members, because it's possible (and not uncommon) for people using the the Cooper's Lake Campground preregistration page to mess up.
As your group members preregister at Cooper's Lake, their names will appear on your account at the Land website, under "LAND AGENT MENU/View Preregs".
Every Pennsic there are a few people who make one of two mistakes, and sometimes a land agent who makes a third mistake. A couple dozen cases out of 10,000 or so preregistrations is not that many, but still enough to make headaches for the staff and land agents.
Let's deal with problem #1 first,
There are two, no three, no four, basic facts that land agents and and camp members need to understand:
Mistake type #1 happens surprisingly frequently.
If a camp member fails to select your group, you'll only know because you communicated with your camp member directly (outside the Land website etc) and they claim they're registered with the group, but you don't see their name in the Land website's list of group members.
Make sure they haven't changed their SCA name or something, and are showing up in the list under the new name.
If they really aren't showing up in the Land website list of your preregs, then you need to coach them through going back to the Cooper's Lake regstration page and fixing it. All they have to do is go back to the Cooper's Lake prereg page, log in, find the camp selection dropdown, and select your camp properly.
If you see an SCA name you don't recognize under "LAND AGENT MENU/View Preregs", first talk to your group members and try to figure it out, make sure it's not an existing camp member with a new SCA name, or some camp member's friend or guest, etc.
If you happen to know the person in question, you can, of course, reach out to them and coach them through fixing their prereg. Their land agent will thank you later (and ultimately the Land Office, who would otherwise have to get involved to fix it at the last second).
If you and your camp members can't figure it out, you can contact the Land Office by emailing, but the Land Office doesn't have any more information than what they show you on the website. All the Land Office can do is forward the request to the Cooper's staff. This is a cumbersome, manual process, so try to figure it out yourself before contacting the Land Office.
Even AFTER the preregistration deadline, the Land Office can, up to a point, fix problems and move people around, if you can get the people involved to contact the Land Office. Everbody involved (Cooper's staff, Pennsic volunteer staff, Pennsic Land Office volunteer staff) wants Pennsic attendees to have a good experience. I believe that window for making changes ends when the Land Office finally sends out the Land Allocation emails, but don't quote me on that.
Note that, as land agent, you're the ultimate authority over who is allowed to camp with your camping group. If somebody preregisters without your permission and shows up at Pennsic and wants to camp with you, that's their problem. You can say take a hike and now they're a single camper.
Problem #3 is really just a variation on problem #1, the camper selecting the wrong group, but it's a thorny one (because of the above mentioned fact that the Cooper's website doesn't send prereg contact info to Land), a camper registering with a group that has no land agent.
The camp names are saved from year to year, to reduce spelling errors or typos in camp names. Since camp seniority is a factor block assignment (but NOT in camp border negotiations) this can be important. However, the Cooper's Lake registration web page allows campers to select one of these camp names even before a land agent re-registers the group. This is to allow campers the maximum amount of time to pre-register, but it sometimes results in problems when a camper pre-registers with a camping group but no land agent re-registers that group. Now the camper who preregistered is in a group that literally won't exist this Pennsic.
Generally the Land Office solves this problem by trying to contact the land agent from the previous year, or in extremity by asking Cooper's Lake staff to contact the campers (see above for why that's difficult). Best case scenario, the camping group gets registered, median case the campers move to another camping group, worst case the campers ends up in single camping.
A "ghost registration" is when you intentionally do paid preregistration but there's never going to be a person at Pennsic to match that paid preregistration, in order to get more square footage allocated for your camp. I'm not entirely sure of the rules here, but I've heard that strictly speaking a full price ghost preregistration is not against the rules.
But is extremely clear is that it is strictly prohibited to preregister "ghost children", i.e. abusing the much, much lower child fee ($40 instead of $215) to gain more land allocation, by preregistering kids who are either fictional or who are real but you have no intention of them attending. Expect the Pennsic Staff to deal with any such abuse harshly, to quote the Land Agent's handbook.
To be clear, "life happens", sometimes kids are preregistered but circumstances prevent the kids from attending. This happens, you are not automatically guilty of abusing the lower child registration fee if it does. But the Pennsic staff are not idiots, and they will notice a pattern.
Cooper's Lake and Pennsic offer a very, very reasonable price for preregistering kids. I don't know any more about it than the dollar amounts, but my impression is that Cooper's Lake (and perhaps Pennsic also) offer this incredibly low rate in order to make this event more family-friendly in logistical terms. I don't have kids myself, but I really respect and appreciate that they do this.
It would be the height of discourtesy to abuse that generosity by registering ghost children.
This is Pennsic. Pennsic is not a tourist trap. Let's keep that way.
Eventually (see the Land Announcements page at the Pennsic Land site for dates) the Land Office will "push the big red button" and it will generate allocations and block assignments for all of the camping groups.
Each block's land agents will receive an email listing the camping groups assigned to that block and each camping group's total square footage allocation, Land Agent SCA name, Land Agent legal name, and Land Agent email address.
Land Agents are expected to contact each other via email and plan out where all the camping groups will camp in the block, agree on a map of that, and be ready to show up for landgrab and submit a map, signed by all of the Land Agents (or their proxies) to the Land Office.
Needless to say, Land Agents are expected to behave like adults. Needless to say, it doesn't always go that way.
It is strongly recommended that Land Agents provide each other with their mobile phone numbers to coordinate getting together to sign off the map on Landgrab Day. I recommend you get that done early in the process, i.e. right after you get the Land Allocation Email, and get it out of the way while everybody still has attention span to spare. Doing it the last week or so, when everybody's running around with their hair on fire trying to get ready for Pennsic, is not going to be easy.
In recent years there has been a process called "PMAP", which stands for "Pre-approved Map" or something like that.
PMAP is a process by which a block can submit their block map to the Land Office ahead of Landgrab Day, for approval. Then the Land Agents can just show up one at a time, whenever it's convenient, check in with the Land Office, pick up their land packets, and get on with life.
PMAP is an experimental process and it's not always available, and it's not available to every block. Generally speaking, PMAP is available at the option of the Pennsic Land staff, when they think it will speed things up. PMAP is supposed to reduce Land staff headaches, not increase them. As one example, if there's a new group on a block this year, generally PMAP is not available for that block, because the new group won't know the block terrain and won't be able to make an informed choice ahead of time.
The Land Allocation email typically goes out several weeks before the start of Pennsic. It's a good idea to start sorting out the land negotiations as soon as possible.
As I recommended up at the top, it's a lot easier to go visit the block the year before and talk to the camps already camping there, with an eye for planning ahead for landgrab.
Ideally the Land Agents all sort out the planning and the map ahead of time, by email. Land Agents are required to communicate by email, but can also communicate, at their option, by other means, i.e. phone, facebook group, etc.
You still, unless your block is approved for PMAP and you have your act together enough to get PMAP done, have to do the actual paperwork on Landgrab Day.
Read the Land Agent's handbook carefully and make sure you follow the rules.
Camp seniority counts for getting assigned to the block you prefer, but block seniority does not give you any special authority in negotiating the map.
The same goes, generally speaking, for camp size. While the Land Office will generally try to inconvenience the least number of people possible, i.e. move a smaller group rather than moving a larger group, camp size does not give you any special authority in negotiating the map.
Note: The Land site map PDFs have graph squares in the background. These can be useful in making sure your camp has the right square footage. Each graph square is 15 feet by 15 feet, making 225 square feet per graph square, or 112.5 square feet per half graph square.
This document is mostly focused on the logistics of the process, but I'll put some general notes and tips on land negotations at the end.
Landgrab used to be a single day, the first Saturday of Pennsic every year, but in recent years it's been expanded to start at 9am the Friday before.
I think (ask the Land Office if you want to be certain) that technically Saturday is still Landgrab Day, but you can now show up early, on Friday, if everyone on your block agrees to do so. I believe that technically, i.e. under the rules, land agents are allowed and entitled to wait until Saturday to show up. Of course, if the rest of the land agents on that block want to show up on Friday, that will not make them happy. More important, if land agents fail to communicate that intent to the other land agents, they will severely annoy them (and my guess is that they'd annoy the Land Office and Land One, but again, you'd have to ask them).
On Landgrab Day, the Land Agents show up, get together, agree on a map, sign it, and deliver it to the Land Office, which is usually at the New Barn on the Serengeti.
During this process, land agents may review the map together in person, they may possible walk down to their block together to check on things, to make sure nothing has changed, or to meet on the block en masse to make sure that what they are all imagining about the block matches the actual block.
This year's Pennsic Land One posted this flow chart for what land agents should do when arriving at Cooper's Lake:
No vehicles are allowed on site and no camp setup is allowed until your block is done with Landgrab.
The following was updated as of January 3, 2024, and was originally sent on July 20, 2023 by DM Land (aka Land One) via emailed to the land agents:
Greetings Land Agents for I wanted to share this for clarification for Land Grab
Land Agent order of Operations. Starts at 9 AM.
1.Prior to leaving have your Camping Authorization form and your Block Map Pre-Printed
2. Park on the battlefield
3. Troll in.
4. Travel down to the Great Hall
5. Go to table Land Agent Check in
6. If you are a PMAP Land agent go to the Pmap table. THEN JUMP TO: 9
7. Find the rest of the land agents on your block and finalize negotiations for your block.
8. Once you have finalized your map, bring it and the rest of the land agents back to the Great Hall to have your map approved by land staff. Once your map is approved you are almost done
9. Helpful and Friendly Land staff will put a sticker on your Camping Authorization Form
You printed that and filled it in right. You will also receive a Ziploc bag that will eventually hold your Camping Authorization Form.
When you receive that Bag it will contain 5 Car Passes. The Car Passes will allow one Vehicle per pass to enter After Noon. Till we open the gates these will be collected.
Everyone in the Vehicle Needs to be trolled in.
Should your camp need more car passes and Land staff hasn't opened Cooper's Lake to everyone Please come see Land 1 and I'll hear your request and help if appropriate.
10. Set up your camp / Post your Camping Authorization Form / Help your neighbors / Have a good Pennsic.
Single campers aren't allowed to come in and look for camp sites until the first Sunday of Pennsic, after Landgrab Day. I just want to mention this and get it out of the way first, because it's less complicated than the rest of the information.
Every block, when the Land Office does the land allocation, has some square footage left over for single campers, so there should be single campers spread throughout Pennsic.
Every block, when negotiating their block map during landgrab, are required to set aside an area for single campers. This must be a contiguous block, and it must have road access. It does not have to be the nicest camping spots on the block.
Each group sends a Land Agent for Landgrab Day. Realistically speaking, it's a long drive, and Land Agents often have spouses, kids, partners, assistants, etc, with them. But the general idea is that landgrab is for, well, landgrab. So you're not supposed to bring anybody not necessary for landgrab itself. This is not a hard and fast rule, the Pennsic staff will exercise discretion and judgement. Generally it should be one vehicle, the Land Agent, maybe their spouse/partner/kid/etc.
Pennsic starts the last weekend in July. In 2023 that means Friday, July 28.
Nobody is allowed on to site before 9am, Friday morning.
9am to noon is reserved for Land Agents and their immediate parties only to troll in.
Historically people pulled in to Cooper's Lake and were directed to park their vehicle on the battlefield, then walked down to Troll to pay the gate fee and get their site medallion. In recent years, that process has been revised. Depending on traffic and other conditions, you may be directed to pull your vehicle directly in to Troll and troll in, or you may be directed to park on the battlefield and walk in.
No vehicles are allowed on site (except for parking on the battlefield) and no camp setup is allowed until the block map is submitted to and accepted by the Land Office.
Troll in (see Land Agent "Express" Line, below), park your vehicle on the battlefield, meet up with your fellow Land Agents, walk to the Land Office (usually at the new barn, on the Serengeti) and submit your paperwork.
If necessary, Land Agents can walk to their block to check on things and to sort out details of the block map.
If you have assigned a Proxy, the Proxy's duties and authority end as soon as the Land Office signs off on your block map.
As I said above, in order to expedite landgrab getting done quickly and smoothly, from 9am to noon on Friday, Troll is reserved for Land Agents or their Proxies, and their immediate party only. But we can't assume all Land Agents will arrive before noon, so from noon on, Land Agents are encouraged to ask the Pennsic Staff to forward them to the head of the line. The exact form this takes has varied the past few years, there may be a big sign, or a staff member asking people getting into line if they're Land Agents, or you may have to find a staff member and ask them.
Land Agents should have the rest of their immediate party go through the normal Troll line if at all possible (i.e. if the immediate party includes underage kids but no other adults, the kids can go through Troll with the Land Agent).
Only one person/party per camping group may use the express line. If you assigned a Proxy, the Proxy can use the express line but then you can't. It's unclear how exactly this will enforced. In the past, whichever showed up first (Land Agent or Proxy) got to use the express line. From some comments I've seen on facebook posts, it's possible that this year simply setting up a Proxy in the Land website will bar the Land Agent from using the express line.
A recent post on the Pennsic Land facebook group said:
Andy Kaihofer
Okay, I've had a chance to talk to Land One after the spring DMs meeting which unfortunately I couldn't attend this year.
The nine to noon thing on Friday, that's real. Only Land Agents (or registered proxies), one other assisting adult from the single car, and as many minor children as are registered to those two individuals may troll in and enter site (on foot).
Celestia Vianello can clarify that if I haven't hit that quite on the head.
From noon onward other people can troll in, but no cars will be allowed through gate unless they have one of the five car passes that each Land Agent will be given once a block is signed off and approved by land. So you could get there after noon, troll in and have to wait. In fact, it's very likely. Once your block is signed off and the Land Agents or proxies are given car passes which number five per group and are consumed upon use, then, with a car pass you can go in if you are already trolled in.
There will come a time likely during the afternoon on Friday, and here's the important part, we can't promise when this is going to happen, that Land one and land two are satisfied that a significant number of blocks are okay and that number is around 90%, but it's at the discretion of land one, when will [sic] tell the gate to let people in without car passes.
At that point people can go in and start setting up, unless, and this is a super big unless, your block isn't signed off and approved yet. If you start setting up on a block that is not approved by land let, Land One reserves the right to eject you from Pennsic. Yes, you read that right, "told to leave". A shade fly is not "setting up", but pavillions and trenching are. Before you decide to play lawyer on that, decide whether you're willing to risk your Pennsic experience on it.
It is an absolute certainty that land grab will not be done until Saturday. There are more than 550 groups across more than 80 blocks, there's going to be some that aren't resolved until saturday. Until land grab is over there can be no offical support for singles camping.
If I were a singles camper I would not arrive before Sunday morning. We cannot support Singles Campers prior to the end of Land Grab.
Once the Land Office accepts your block map, they'll give each Land Agent a Land Packet.
The packet includes a form you're supposed to fill out and post by the entrance to your camp, and 5 one-use car passes. You can also download and print this form from the Land site under the menu item "PENNSIC INFO/Camp Auth. Form".
The 5 car passes are one vehicle, one-use only. The Cooper's staff person on the gate will take the car pass from you when you enter. If your car exits before the Land Office declares car passes are no longer needed, you'll need another car pass to bring your car back onto the site.
There is a special land agent car pass that was introduced in 2023. Initially it was not going to be used in 2024, but as of May 21, 2024, the Deputy Mayor for Land announced that it will be used for 2024. Full text of the Deputy Mayor's post is at the end of this document. TL;DR, each group gets one land agent car pass, it's single use like all car passes, and only land agent car passes will be allowed to drive onto site before noon. From noon to whenever Land declares Land Grab "done (enough)" the usual five regular car passes will be required to drive onto site.
A ghost camp is a camp with nobody on site for an extended period of time (think days). If the Land Agent can't be there most of the event, they should use the Land web site to assign an On-Site Rep, somebody who's registered with the camp and can be there most of the event.
This section is not a substitute for reading and understanding the rules. Just about everything below is also covered in the rules, you should refer to the rules and make sure you understand the details.
I'm just using this as a place to stick random, rules-related tips and gotchas as they occur to me. All of these should be covered by the regular rules. Most of these are not tips about the landgrab process or landgrab day, so much as they are tips about the rules for camps (since land agents are defacto responsible for and in some cases penalized for what their camp does).
I will repeat for the fourth or fifth time: Neither I nor this document is official. I am including information here based on the rules as I understand them, but rules change and I'm fallible. In any case where the rules conflict with this information, then this information is wrong, go with the official rules.
In no particular order:
Do not put your camp sheet walls right at the edge of the road, if you're situated along a road. Camps are required to leave at least 3 feet of shoulder between the road proper and their sheet walls.
The land agent's job doesn't end until your campsite is packed up, cleaned up and every group member is off site. The rules allow for penalties to camping group land seniority if you overstay, or leave a mess, etc.
Pursuant to packing up and cleaning up, take photos of your campsite just before you get in your car and drive away. It's good to have documentation. I also suggest you take photos when you first arrive, to document any existing problems.
While I'm on photos, I strongly suggest you take photos of your campsite when it's all set up, so you can refer to it next year when you're trying to figure out what went where.
Take photos of uncampable land and submit them to the Land Office. They can't magically make that land campable, but they can at least deduct that square footage from your block total, so that they don't allocate more campers to your block than your block has room for.
In particular, I recommend taking photos to document the actual problem, i.e. if a spot turns into a pond during heavy rains, take a photo of the pond. It's also probably a useful idea to include a photo of the spot when dry, since the land staff sent to check on the problem probably aren't going to do it during a rain storm.
Last I heard, anything official with the Cooper's is handled at The War Room, which is the small barn in EO3 (near Troll), at the corner of Brewer's Road and Low Road:
Click the image for a full-sized version
You can also email the War Room at:
If there's nobody at the War Room, go ask at the Cooper's store, they may be able to put you touch with the right people. Obviously this might have changed, and also, obviously check the Pennsic rules and Land Agent handbook first. At one point, twenty years ago, the Cooper's were telling us to put down hay or stray in muddy spots. Then they changed that, hay and straw were forbidden; it turned out the hay and straw didn't decompose down in the Swamp, under the trees with no sunlight. Never assume, first check the written rules, then if it's still not clear, check with the Coopers at the War Room.
Every user hooking into a Cooper's Lake water faucet is required to use both a backflow check valve and a splitter:
This section is somewhere to stick random tips on land negotiation.
First I'll repeat what I've already said a couple of times -- it's much, much, much easier if you scout out the terrain, both geographical and social, the year before.
By social terrain, I mean talk to the other groups that camp in a block, ask around, find out what that crowd is like, think about social compatibility (if you camp in the heart of the swamp, expect to hear drums until 4am; if you camp up near the battlefield, expect grief if you're making loud noises late at night). Also, make friends, get advice on camping spots, etc.
Back to geographical terrain: On some blocks the terrain is flat and open and it's pretty obvious. On other blocks the terrain is more... challenging. Covered in trees. Vertical. Mud, water, etc.
Pay attention to the lay of the land and think about how water is going to flow and where it's going to end up. When it rains, look around and study the water flow to improve your understanding of that.
If you don't have much experience with this, ask your campers and neighbors for advice. If you look at a spot and say "I wonder why nobody camps there"... you should probably think twice.
The Land office is probably the part of the Pennsic staff that spend the most time in direct contact with Pennsic goers, so various questions come up that are not strictly part of the Land process, but often get asked of Land Agents, or get asked by land agents. I'm going to try to keep an eye out for these things and collect them all here, to hopefully save land agents and land staff future headaches.
Note: It's quite likely that most of this stuff will be from facebook posts by land staff or by Pennsic staff. I will include useful comments from those posts but will remove any identifying information from the commenters unless they are Pennsic staff.
The Pennsic Staff Directory has email addresses for the staff (look for the tiny envelope icon at the bottom of each listing). Remember, these people are all volunteering their time during their vacation so be polite.
For emergencies call 911 but often there are not-quite-real-emergencies. The Pennsic Event Safety Staff usually has a phone number for not-quite-real-emergencies. That number is only active during Pennsic, and the page does not currently list any phone number, but last time it was 878-244-0745.
EDIT: yeah, it's the same phone number for 2024, see page 9 (10th page of the PDF) here: Pennsic War LI Codified Rules and Site Policies
Questions about things related to arriving and getting in, for example paperwork required for minors who are attending with adults other than their immediate legal parents, should be directed to the Troll office.
Questions about things like whether merchants need car passes or when they're allowed to set up their stalls on merchant row, etc, should be directed to the merchant office. See "Useful Links" near the top of this document.
Pennsic War Land Agents
Tananda Densmore
So, just to make this very clear, because every year we get land agents who set a proxy "just in case"....
Proxy is NOT for "just in case I am late" or "just in case I can't make it"
Proxy is also NOT for "If I set a proxy, then I can get myself and one other car into the land agents or proxy only line starting at 9am on land grab day... that is EITHER OR, and we're checking for that"
When you set a proxy for your group, you are saying "for the purposes of land grab day, this person here is the SOLE PERSON AUTHORIZED TO REPRESENT MY GROUP AT LAND GRAB
This includes "sole person allowed to troll in before noon for my group" as well.
This is for when you know you won't be able to be present in person for land grab or if you are going to be coming later and want to empower someone to negotiate for you or pick up your camp auth and car passes (either after negotiating / signing off, or if you're PMAP or X-block, just getting your camp auth and passes)
For this PLANNED proxy setting, you set someone as proxy using your land agent account - they must have an account there too (they don't need to be land agent for another group though they can be but they need to have an account to show up in the dropdown) You can set this yourself any time up until we lock it down
We lock it down, preventing further self-service changes July 24.
This is necessary because we need to produce various reports and documents that will be used by the land office during land grab and by the Event Services staff to know who is and is not a land agent/proxy.
You can see all the important dates in the calendar here:
After that time - if you have an emergency / an unforeseen issue where you must pass on your Land Agent power to negotiate / sign off at land grab, there is an emergency proxy process which is outlined here:
To request an emergency proxy after the proxy deadline:
Send an email from the registered Land Agent's email address to – it must match the one entered into the Land website for the group.
The email should provide:Proxy Legal name
Proxy SCA name (if applicable)
Proxy phone number
Proxy email address
Group name for whom they are appointed proxy.
The person being identified as the proxy must be copied on the email.
All other Land Agents for your block should be copied on the email so they know and have contact information for your proxy.
Each group may have one (1) proxy. Multiple groups may designate the same individual as their proxy.
While not required for EMERGENCY proxy; In order to receive timely notifications, it is strongly suggested that the Proxy has a current account on the Land web site.
Yours in Service,
Lady Tananda Densmore
Deputy Mayor of Zoning and Planning (Land) - PW51
Andy Kailhofer
And importantly, you can create an account on the land website at any time, even from your phone. It requires very little bandwidth, you can do it. We'll have a little discussion about this I think, but I'm going to say that it's mandatory that you have an account even to be an emergency proxy because it's so easy to set an account up. If I lose the argument that I'm about to have with tananda I'll amend this comment, but I don't want to.
Tananda Densmore
May 21, 2024
Correction/Clarification to previously stated policy:
Greetings land agents. I need to make a correction. Earlier this year, the land department made a decision that we could do away with the whole "one special car pass for the land agent to use if the block is settled before noon, 5 additional passes that are not valid until noon"
However, after discussing the plans for Land Grab / Trolling in with Event Safety and Event Resources at War Practice this year: I spoke too soon.
So, I am going to post here the contents of the section on Car passes which can be found in the Land Announcements (it needs updating which will happen soon )
Car Passes
During PW50, We had new Troll policy where only Land Agents / Proxies could troll in between 9am and noon. This will be continued for PW51.
We had planned on changing the car pass procedure from how it worked at PW50. However, after consulting with Event Safety and Event Services, the decision has been made that for this year, we will be implementing the same NEW car pass process that was in place for PW 50:
Upon approval of your map, as always, you will receive your stamped camp auth form (You supplied the form, we supply the stamp), a zip-lock bag with which to protect your form (which needs to be displayed at the entrance to your camp as always),and 6 car passes.
One and only one of those car passes will be specially marked as being usable before 12 noon. The other 5 will be usable only after 12 noon.
Again, this is actually the same as it was at PW50 but would be slightly different from previous years where all 5 car passes were equal... This special single pass is intended to allow the one and only one vehicle of the registered land agent (or proxy) to enter site once their block has settled even if it is before noon. The remaining 5 passes may be used by those whose blocks have settled who have trolled in before the land grab process has officially completed (at which time we stop requiring the special car passes, and normal Pennsic vehicle entry rules apply).
Again, I wish to apologize for any confusion this change in direction may have caused - this was entirely my error for not checking with the other Deputy Mayors, having assumed that the car passes were not a significant enough benefit to continue.
Never let it be said I am unwilling to admit my mistakes.
Yours in Humility
Lady Tananda Densmore
Deputy Mayor of Zoning and Planning (Land) - PW51
Tananda Densmore
From a friendly member of Land Staff (who has been working her way through the comments /questions posted in your group profiles)
Answers to some of the most common things asked of land which need to actually be asked/reported elsewhere:
Questions about getting Accessible portacastles for folks with disabilities- please reach out to disability services (pre event you can email Same goes for questions of charging for mobilty/medical devices, or anything at all related to disability services.
Disability services has an email address: however note that this is for PRE-PENNSIC requests etc.. At Pennsic, you will want to make your way to Disability services which is located in the "Town hall" over near the Cooper's Store next to Information Point
Issues with regular portacastles (placement, reporting damaged ones etc) should be reported at the Watch tent
Questions about land improvements or requests for things like water spigots and/or reporting issues with water hose breaks, questions about prepositioning trailers or Pennsic trailer storage - all of that goes to the War Room.
Pre-Pennsic, "war room" requests can go to but please keep in mind, for Cooper's Lake (and staff) Pennsic is a lot longer than just the 2 weeks the gates are open - as we get closer to Land grab, their focus is on all the physical things they need to do so email is great for stuff that is not an emergency
Once Pennsic starts, "The War Room" means the physical location over on Brewers Road near Troll.. (the one way road leading South just East of troll) If you need. This is where you go for paid parking, for requests to position trailers, and other questions related to the coopers lake property itself.
If you accidentally damage a water line (some of them are buried, tent mis-stakes happen...(yes that was a pun about tent stakes)) please do not delay reporting it out of fear of getting in trouble - but please do immediately contact the War Room / the watch and report the block and approximate location so the Coopers can fix it quickly - with water leaks time is of the essence- not only does it mess with water pressure badly but water in that quantity and pressure can quickly cause undermining/erosion and a really nasty rest of your Pennsic with a giant mud pit.
Something folks also often ask about is electrical power. Land does not govern electrical power. If you're reporting a safety concern (damaged wires/boxes/transformers etc..) notify the watch immediately, Anything else related to power (with the exception of aforementioned disability services charging which goes through disability services) should be asked of the War Room (again in person at Pennsc, the email is not very closely monitored once Pennsic starts)
NOTE from personal experience. If you want a way to charge your cell phone you can do paid charging at CLiC, You can generally bring your wall plug if you have it with you to the laundromat in town and charge while doing laundry, and/or you can also volunteer at the watch / troll / Town Hall (Info point, disability services, Lost and found) and other locations because many of those offer letting you charge your device as a perk for volunteering while you're on your shift.
I hope this is helpful information for you.
Responding to a question about portcastle placement
Tananda DensmoreAuthor
I believe you can still make requests to the War Room, but the coordination ends up going to the same place and there's a specific "in box" for them kept at the watch tent, so it's convenient to just let folks know that. So if you have always taken such requests to the War Room, you can continue to do so.
[Somebody asked what is the land allotment for preregistration an infant or for a child (e.g. 14 year old).]
Tananda Densmore
Each paid pre registration entitles your group to 250 square feet. <>As you already noted pre registering fake infants or children (with the purpose of "gaming the land system for cheap additional land allocation) is strictly forbidden. Rest assured, we do audit for ghost children / infants, and those found to be violating that rule are potentially subject to severe sanctions.
In order for an infant or minor to troll in, they must be with a legal parent or guardian or follow some very specific rules - see the official Pennsic web site under troll for rules on children and a Notarized Guardian form
Yours in Service
Lady Tananda Densmore
Deputy Mayor of Zoning and Planning (Land) - PW51
Joshua MacDonald Admin
Almost every encampment has a fire pit, and of course everyone is expected to fill it back in when they leave. (If you don't know, the SCA has long prided itself on leaving sites better than the way we found them.) The only exceptions are the blocks with gas lines running through them - that info is on the Land Department website:
Additional fire pit restrictions in blocks E11, E18, E20, E24, W02, W03, AND W21, must be observed due to an underground high-pressure natural gas line that runs through those areas.
No fire pits or ground fires are to be placed within 50 feet of the Right-of-Way of the gas line. Violation of this rule may cause the gas company to exercise their right to demand that no camping of any type be allowed in this area. Violations of this rule will not be tolerated. The center of the gas line will be marked with a dotted white painted line. Dotted white lines will mark the 25 feet on each side of the centerline. Tents are allowed if stakes are less than 3 feet in length.
No tents or other structures are to be placed within 10 feet of any gas company marker or vent. Markers and vents must be accessible from the nearest road at all times. A blue painted circle will mark markers and vents. NOTHING is to be placed within this circle."
Here's more information:
[...somebody commented asking if gas company right-of-way land counts against land allocation square footage or is regarded as "unusable land"...]
Joshua MacDonald
[...] that's a question for Land staff. Your land agent (and other block agents) can work with them directly to point out the details of the block and make the campable square footage more accurate. It's a long process since they have a lot of land to cover, but if you start early (like start during Pennsic) they are very happy to work with you.
Tananda Densmore
Top contributor
OK, Its official...
We've completed all the block map updates for Pennsic 51. They're live on the land site
NOTE: due to the weather and conditions at AWP we did not quite get to everything done - we'll be surveying and checking at Pennsic proper, but of course, that will be for Pennsic 52 map updates (land staff is already working on Pennsic 52 stuff because that's the nature of the beast)
Anyway. by all means, if you find an issue with your block - if there's water spigots not listed, or if there are water spigots listed that are no longer there - if there's a truly uncampable mess, if the impenetrable overgrowth from year after year has reduced your borders by a good 5 or more feet... please email with details.
Pictures are nice but what really helps is if you take the officia latest map - either draw on it with Acrobat Reader comment tools or with your favorite drawing app like Photoshop, GIMP, Paint, etc... or draw in colored pen or pencil and scan or take a picture (scanning is better than photos) to really show us the area/issue on the map - that really helps us zero in on things
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: We have to balance the needs of the block and of Pennsic as a whole - and we're going to "trust but verify". Map updates are at the discretion of the Department of Zoning and Planning. We are not giving a guarantee that we're going to include every detail / change you ask for, but we'll ensure that if you send the details and description to that we get it on our list to review.
Yours in Service,
Lady Tananda Densmore
Deputy Mayor of Zoning and Planning (Land) - PW51
Tananda Densmore
SELF-SERVICE: Campers Changing Groups
Please note: The Land office gets a lot of requests "hey can I change my group choice" or "I accidentally chose the wrong group" - they are able to fix these for themselves before Pre reg ends.
If someone is not showing up in your group, tell them they can go to the Coopers Lake Registration office and log back in, go to their pre registration account and select the view option (It looks sort of like an eye) from there, go to their land group selection and change it to what you want then SAVE
This does not require paying or refunds or anything complicated - this is the preferred way if someone needs to change their land group before Pre reg ends. We (Land) have to lock down changes just before we do the land block assignments (because it would be a nightmare if folks could change groups after we already assigned land based on ... number of pre registrations....)
Yours in Service,
Lady Tananda Densmore
Deputy Mayor of Zoning and Planning (Land) - PW51
Tananda Densmore
Top contributor
SELF-SERVICE: Changing Land Agent
There are times when a land agent realizes they need to hand the job over to someone else - Not just proxy (which is for Lang Grab day) but basically to turn over the job of Land Agent for the group to someone else...
Perhaps a person realizes they just can't attend Pennsic at all, or has other life issues that will prevent them from performing their negotiation and on site duties etc.. or they're just tired and want someone else to take over the group
If you need to do this, it is possible to do self-service any time up until 3 days after the close of pre-registration. Close of Pre registration is June 14, 2024, so that means June 17.. however PLEASE DO NOT WAIT TILL THE LAST SECOND.. please...
The process involves 2 main steps
1) you need to release the group from your land agent account
2) the new land agent needs to claim the group under theirs
Log in to and on the main page you should see a sort of "landing page" with a few links and announcments - find the section that says
You have X people preregistered to your camp. You can see who they are under LAND AGENT MENU -> View Prereg.
Your group's registration was completed properly.
Your Group: YOUR_GROUP_HERE If you need to unregister your camp so that someone else can be land agent, you can [[UNREGISTERBUTTON]]
You should now inform the person who will be taking over that they should go to and make an account if they don't ahve one
NOTE: you can not be land agents for 2 different groups under the same account... each account needs to be separate - we won't actively stop the same person from BEING land agent for 2 groups, but they must then use 2 separate logons
When they've logged on and do not have a group already assigned they should be presented with the option to either register a new group or claim a group
When they log on the "landing page" should say
You have not yet selected the group that you are the land agent for.
Please click here to choose a group.
in red text
The "here" will be a link
on the following page they DO NOT ENTER A NEW GROUP NAME, instead they look for the text/link
Group Status: Existing Groups: Click Here New Groups: Enter Group Name Below
Click the link to be taken to a page that lists all available existing but unclaimed groups - and claim the proper group
IMPORTANT NOTE: Land Agent vs Proxy
This is for when you need to completely change who is the land agent for your group.
This differs from Proxy in that a proxy is someone who is only actively empowered to act on your groups behalf during land grab day itself.
A proxy is used when you can't physically be present for land grab to either negotiate and sign off (if your block is not PMAP), to sign any required gas line or lake waivers, and to get your camp auth stamped and pick up your car passes for Land Grab day.
If for some reason you go to register your group and found someone had claimed it incorrectly, report that to us immediately.
If you truly need to change land agent after the close of pre reg - we can assist you but it can't be done self-service.. The process is a bit of a pain for us so we ask to please attempt to rectify this before pre reg closes using self service. However, we recognize sometimes life happens and we're here to help.
If you run into issues or problems with the process
TECHNICAL ISSUES: please contact
Yours in Service,
Lady Tananda Densmore
Deputy Mayor of Zoning and Planning (Land) - PW51
[In response to a question about how somebody becomes a "designated helper" for a land agent]
Tananda Densmore
They would be the one other adult in the car with you when you arrive - and they must troll in together with you (and any associated minors you're both responsible for) basically you are their designation - the fact that you are in troll line as a land agent and point and say "and this is my helper they are with me". That's it nothing fancy.
[In response to a question from a land agent who has two adult children travelling in their vehicle.]
Tananda Densmore
You could count one of them as an "adult helper" and have them troll in with you,.. please note that it's actually Event Event Resources and Event Safety and Coopers Lake who control who is allowed to drive on site when and who is allowed to troll in when... the Land office did not make the specific rules we're just sort of having to communicate them as they're related to the process 🙂
So, I think that worst case one of them would need to stay and wait in the car till they can join the troll in line at noon, and one could trol in with you as your single adult helper. I personally would not turn you away saying you have too many in the car but that is NOT MY CALL.
I think the safest thing is to triple check with - explain that literally this is the only way he can get to Pennsic - let him know it was suggested that one could troll in with you as your allowed adult helper and one would need to wait till noon to troll in with everyone else.
Again I do not have any official say in this Land's jurisdiction is do do with assigning land blocks, arbitrating disputes, signing off on group auths, giving out the car passes, issuing sanctions, etc.. the trolling in and queuing on land grab day process is under Event Resources who is in charge of troll among other things and I don't want to step on their toes.
[In response to a question for clarification about the relationship with the designated helper]
Andy Kailhofer
Any number of minors for whom one of the one or two adults in the car has the requisite and specific paperwork, otherwise yes good job you got it.
Tananda Densmore
Land One here: to add to what Andy said - no it does not need to be a life partner or romating pertner etc - it's in one vehicle but it can be any adult of any relation who is there to act as an assistant/helper to you (whether it's to help with setup or marking your land or whatnot) the key is "arrivign in the same car, trolling in as a group together with yourselves and associated minors for whom you're responsible (legal guardians who must troll in with you)
If your helper is in another vehicle, they'll need to wait till 11 to drive onto the battlefield and wait till noon to troll in... the 9am to 12 noon time slot is ONLY for "proxy OR land agent for a group and up to 1 adult helper (and associated minors for either) who arrived in the same single vehicle)
hope that clears it up.
[In another comment further clarifying designated helper]
Tananda Densmore
The language was from the Event Resources - not land ... the crux is that the land agent (or proxy) may have up to one adult with them (in the same vehicle) that they're basically saying "is my helper" there's no official status for it or place you need to record it
Your "designated helper" is the optional second adult in your same vehicle that is with you when you arrive who is allowed to troll in with you (along with any associated minors for which either of you are responsible)...
ou all must be arriving in the same vehicle, and you must stay together in the troll line and troll in together as a group...
There's no official designation - your helper might be there to watch the kids while you are performing your land agent duties, or might be there to go check your land for you while you wait for your fellow block agents at the great hall, or might just be your husband/wife/partner or your bestie who is catching a ride with you - we don't really care what reason you give they're "your designated helper" and you can have up to one
Anyone else who is planning on coming to start setting up your camp etc.. one of the people who is not a land agent or proxy and will be receiving one of the car passes etc.. will need to wait till at least 11:00am on Friday to drive on site and may not get in line to troll in till noon.
Tananda Densmore
Steven Owens YES! this is a great way for Land agents to do the thing.... if you're a land agent and you see that you are missing people there's a whole section in the Land Agents Handbook on what to do
4.If someone seems to be actually missing from the list, do the following:
a) Do not wait until pre-registration closes. Success favors the proactive.
b) From the time a person pre-registers on the Coopers Lake site, until the time their payment clears, they will not appear on this list. This is normal. Please verify that your camper's payment has cleared before worrying about where they are camping.
c) Anyone who thinks they have registered for your group, and does not appear here, can log back onto the Coopers Lake site and edit their record, correcting their requested group name. This will move them immediately on your registered group's prereg page as well.
d) If the camper does not wish to or cannot move themself in this way, you may contact the land office and we will do it for you.
e) Contact the person who you think is missing and get their PENN NUMBER. It would have been sent to them in their registration confirmation letter.
f) Put their FULL REAL NAME and FULL SCA NAME (if they have one) and PENN NUMBER and your GROUPNAME into an email to with a note saying "Please move this person to my group."
g) E-mails received without all of the above will be returned with this list attached.
h) We will then find the person in the database, move them to your camp, and email you a confirmation that we have done so.